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       Sept. 11, 2001   (War on Terrorism, p. 11)




Time/CNN Poll conducted by Harris Interactive. Sept. 27, 2001. N=1,055 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you think George Bush's reaction to the terrorist attack has been too strong, not strong enough, or would you say it has been just about right?"
9/27 9/13
% %
Too strong 5 3
Not strong enough 17 23
Just about right 74 71
Not sure 4 3


"Based on what you have heard or read, do you think the Bush Administration does or does not have a clear and well thought out policy to deal with terrorism?"
Does 67
Does not 27
Not sure 6


"Do you favor or oppose the use of U.S. ground troops in Afghanistan?"
Favor 64
Oppose 28
Not sure 8


Pew Research Center survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Sept. 21-25, 2001. N=1,488 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Now a few questions about the terrorist attacks. If you had to choose, what should get a higher priority now: building our defenses at home to prevent future terrorist attacks, or, taking military action to destroy terrorist networks around the world?"
Building our defenses at home 33
Taking military action 44
Both (vol.) 16
Don't know 7


"How confident are you that U.S. forces will be able to complete their mission to destroy terrorist networks around the world? Are you very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident?"
Very confident 39
Somewhat confident 37
Not too confident 15
Not at all confident 5
Don't know 4


"Which is your greater concern: that we will take military action against the terrorists TOO QUICKLY, or that we will wait TOO LONG to take military action?"
Act too quickly 34
Wait too long 49
Don't know 17


"How important to you is it that our military actions against the terrorists PUNISH them for their attacks against the U.S.: very important, fairly important, not very important, or not at all important?"
Very important 79
Fairly important 11
Not very important 4
Not at all important 2
Don't know 4


"How important to you is it that our military actions against the terrorists PREVENT them from making future attacks against the U.S.: very important, fairly important, not very important, or not at all important?"
Very important 88
Fairly important 7
Not very important 1
Not at all important 1
Don't know 3


"Do you think we are getting the support that we need from our traditional allies around the world for our plans to take action against terrorist organizations, or not?"
We are 74
We are not 15
Don't know 11


"What's your impression? Do you think that many people in Europe and other western nations believe the U.S. itself bears some responsibility for the hatred that led to the terrorist attacks, or don't you think many of them feel this way?"
Yes, they believe U.S. bears some responsibility 38
No, they don't feel this way 47
Don't know 15


"What's your impression? Do you think that many people in the Middle East and other non-western nations believe the U.S. itself bears some responsibility for the hatred that led to the terrorist attacks, or don't you think many of them feel this way?"
Yes, they believe U.S. bears some responsibility 59
No, they don't feel this way 27
Don't know 14


"On a related topic: President Bush promised not to spend the Social Security surplus except in times of economic distress or war. What about now after the terrorist attacks? Do you think President Bush still should not spend the Social Security surplus or should Bush spend the surplus in response to the attacks?"
Still should not spend the surplus 53
Should spend the surplus 37
Don't know 10


Harris Poll. Sept. 19-24, 2001. N=1,012 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Here are some increased powers of investigation that law enforcement agencies might use when dealing with people suspected of terrorist activity, which would also affect our civil liberties. For each, please say if you would favor or oppose it. . . ."
Favor Oppose Not
% % %
"Stronger document and physical security checks for access to government and private office buildings"
92 7 1


"Use of facial-recognition technology to scan for suspected terrorists at various locations and public events"
86 11 2


"Issuance of a secure I.D. technique for persons to access government and business computer systems, to avoid disruptions"
84 11 4


"Now, here are some concerns that people might have about the way these increased powers might be used by law enforcement. Would you say you have high concern, moderate concern, not much concern, or no concern at all about each of the following possibilities? . . ."
High Moder-
At All


% % % %


"There would be broad profiling of people and searching them based on their nationality, race or religion"
44 33 11 10 1


"The mail, telephone, e-mails or cell-phone calls of innocent people would be checked"
45 27 13 14 1


"Non-violent critics of government policies would have their mail, telephone, e-mails or cell-phone calls checked"
38 33 14 14 -


"New surveillance powers would be used to investigate crimes other than terrorism"
32 35 15 16 1


"Right now do you think that most [see below] sympathize more with the United States or with those who attacked us?"
% % % %
American Muslims 76 11 3 10
Arab-Americans 73 13 2 10
Governments of Islamic countries 45 35 4 15
Muslims in other countries 42 38 3 17
Arabs in the Middle East 29 50 4 16


"Which ONE of the following do you think is the main reason why those who attacked us and their supporters hate the United States? . . . "
"Our democracy and freedom" 26
"Our support for Israel" 22
"Our values and way of life" 20
"Our influence on the economy and lives of Middle Eastern countries" 17
"Our economic and military power" 11
Not sure 4


"How would you rate the job [see below] has done since the attacks: excellent, pretty good, only fair or poor?"
Only Fair/
% % %
New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani 93 3 4
President George Bush 91 9 1
Secretary of State Colin Powell 89 5 5
The Congress 88 10 2
New York Governor George Pataki 83 4 13
Vice President Dick Cheney 74 14 12


"Would you like to see the twin towers of the World Trade Center rebuilt as they were, would you prefer to see completely different buildings there, or should there be a monument and no building?"
Rebuilt as they were 32
Completely different buildings 31
A monument and no building 30
Not sure 7


"First some questions about the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Do you think many other countries will support the United States if we take strong military action against those who are shown to have planned or supported the attacks, or not?"
Will support 88
Will not 7
Not sure 5


"As the U.S. government plans its response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, how important do you think it is that the United States build a strong international coalition of many countries to support us, even if this means exercising more restraint than we'd like: very important, somewhat important, not very important or not at all important?"
Very important 79
Somewhat important 16
Not very important 2
Not at all important 1
Not sure 2


"How important do you think it is to provide the world with strong evidence of the guilt of any target before we attack it: very important, somewhat important, not very important or not at all important?"

Very important 62
Somewhat important 25
Not very important 6
Not at all important 6
Not sure 1


"How important do you think it is that we get the support of the United Nations -- including a vote of the Security Council -- supporting our response to the attacks, even if this means exercising more restraint than we'd like: very important, somewhat important, not very important or not at all important?"
Very important 54
Somewhat important 30
Not very important 8
Not at all important 6
Not sure 2


"How important do you think it is that we get the support of as many Arab and Islamic countries as possible: very important, somewhat important, not very important or not at all important?"
Very important 58
Somewhat important 30
Not very important 5
Not at all important 6
Not sure 1


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 20-23, 2001. N=1,216 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
9/20-23/01 90 6 4
9/13-14/01 85 7 8
9/12/01 76 9 15


"Do you think George W. Bush has strong qualities of leadership, or not?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
9/20-23/01 83 14 3
9/13-14/01 70 19 11
9/12/01 65 24 11
6/01 54 38 8


9/20-23 9/13-14 9/12 9/11
% % % %
"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to catch the people who planned the attacks? Would you say you're very confident they will be caught, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident?"
Very confident 56 62 55 53
Somewhat confident 36 29 35 38
Not too confident 6 5 6 5
Not at all confident 1 1 3 3
Don't know 1 3 1 1


"Do you think the U.S. should take military action against whoever is responsible for the attacks?"
Yes 92 85
No 5 6
Don't know 3 8


"Do you think the U.S. should take military action against whoever is responsible for the attacks, even if it means that innocent people are killed?"
Yes 67 68 71 66
No 23 17 18 20
Don't know 10 15 11 14


"What if that meant going to war with a nation that is harboring those responsible for the attacks, then do you think the United States should take military action against whoever is responsible for the attacks?"
Yes 83 67
No 10 18
Don't know 7 15


"What if that meant that many thousands of innocent civilians may be killed, then do you think the United States should take military action against whoever is responsible for the attacks?"
Yes 68
No 21
Don't know 11


"What if that meant that thousands of American military personnel will be killed, then do you think the United States should take military action against whoever is responsible for the attacks?"
Yes 72
No 18
Don't know 10


"What if that meant that the United States could be engaged in a war for many years, then do you think the United States should take military action against whoever is responsible for the attacks?"
Yes 72
No 20
Don't know 8


"Would you say you personally are very concerned about a terrorist attack in the area where you live, or not?"
Yes 32 39 36 43
No 66 59 62 56
Don't know 2 2 2 1


"Do you think the United States SHOULD return to business as usual as soon as possible, or is it important to take more time before that happens?"
As soon as possible 85 59
Take more time 12 31
Mixed (vol.) 1 6
Don't know 2 4


"Do you think the United States IS ready now to return to business as usual, or is it too soon for that?"
Is ready now 67 37
Too soon for that 25 47
Some ready/Some not (vol.) 5 10
Don't know 3 6


"Are you a frequent air traveler, do you fly only occasionally, or have you never flown?"
Frequent 14
Occasionally 70
Never flown 15
Don't know 1


Asked of frequent and occasional flyers:
"Would you be willing or not willing to arrive three hours early for any flight you might be taking within the United States?"
Willing 85
Not willing 13
Don't know 2


"In order to reduce the threat of terrorism, would you favor or oppose having more security checkpoints with guards and metal detectors at public events and public buildings, even if that meant you personally would spend at least an hour or more waiting in line and going through security checkpoints every time?"
Favor 87 86
Oppose 11 11
Don't know 2 3


"In order to reduce the threat of terrorism, would you be willing or not willing to allow government agencies to monitor the telephone calls and e-mail of ordinary Americans on a regular basis?"
Willing 45 39
Not willing 51 53
Don't know 4 8


"How likely do you think it is now that Arab Americans, Muslims and immigrants from the Middle East will be singled out unfairly by people in this country: very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all likely?"
Very likely 50 46
Somewhat likely 40 41
Not too likely 7 8
Not at all likely 2 3
Don't know 1 2


"Do you think Arab Americans are more sympathetic to terrorists than other American citizens are, or not?"
Are more sympathetic 26 28
Are not 62 51
Don't know 12 21


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Sept. 20-21, 2001. N=1,005 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Please tell how much confidence you have in each of the following to deal with this situation. How much confidence do you have in [see below]: a lot of confidence, some, only a little, or no confidence at all?"
A Lot Some A
None Don't
% % % % %
Secretary of State Colin Powell
77 15 4 1 3


George W. Bush 68 20 7 4 1


Vice President Dick Cheney
51 26 11 5 7


Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
49 28 8 2 13


National security advisor Condoleeza Rice
39 29 9 3 20


"Looking to the future, do you think the terrorist attacks will do more to change our country for the better by making it stronger and more united, OR, change our country for the worse by reducing freedom and prosperity, and threatening the American way of life?"
Change for the better 79
Change for the worse 14
Neither (vol.) 2
Don't know 5


"Now I'm going to read you a list of different things that might have motivated terrorists to attack the United States. As I read each one, please tell me if you think it is a major reason, a minor reason or not a reason why terrorists have targeted the U.S. What about [see below]? Is this a major reason, a minor reason, or not a reason (why terrorists have targeted the U.S.)?"
Major Minor Not a
% % % %
"Opposition to U.S. ties to Israel and U.S. policies toward the Palestinian situation"
68 21 5 6


"Resentment of U.S. military and economic power in general"
64 22 9 5


"Opposition to the Gulf War and U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf region"
53 32 11 4


"Economic hardships in Muslim countries created by western capitalism"
37 36 20 7


"Resentment of the impact of U.S. culture, such as movies and other popular entertainment, in Muslim countries"
28 39 26 7


"How effective do you think each of the following would be in preventing terrorist attacks in the future? What about [see below]? Would this be very effective, somewhat effective, not too effective, or not at all effective?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
"More intelligence agents in the field to monitor terrorist activities and infiltrate terrorist groups"
69 23 4 2 2


"Locating and freezing the sources of funding that support terrorism, even if it intrudes on normal banking operations"
64 24 5 4 3


"Capturing and putting on trial Osama bin Laden and others suspected of orchestrating terrorist attacks"
52 31 8 7 2


"Military strikes against terrorist targets, even if there might be civilian casualties"
46 31 11 8 4


"Killing suspected terrorist leaders, as Israel does"
45 30 12 9 4


"Thinking about a possible U.S. military response to last week's terrorist attacks, would you favor or oppose attacking people suspected of terrorism against the U.S. like Osama Bin Laden EVEN IF we're not sure they're responsible for what happened this week?"
Favor 56
Oppose 38
Don't know 6


"From what you've seen or heard in the news, please tell me whether you think the following countries are doing what the Bush Administration is asking of them in building support for using military force against the terrorists. What about [see below]? Are they doing what the Bush Administration is asking of them, or not?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
Our European allies 76 9 15
Russia 53 22 25
China 38 30 32
Arab and Muslim countries 28 53 19


"In order to curb terrorism in this country, do you think it will be necessary for the average person to give up some civil liberties, or not?"
Yes 63
No 32
Don't know 5


"I'm going to read you some other things that might be done to improve security and protect against terrorism in the United States. For each one, tell me if you strongly favor it, would accept it if necessary, or think it would go too far. What about? Would you strongly favor this, accept this if necessary, or think this would go too far?"
Accept Too
% % % %
"More restrictions on air travel, including no curbside check-in, arrival at the airport two or more hours before a flight, and no knives, scissors or other sharp instruments allowed on the plane"
76 20 4 -


"Giving the government new power to detain legal immigrants suspected of crimes indefinitely"
54 28 16 2


"Closely monitoring the whereabouts of legal immigrants to the United States from Arab and Muslim countries" Split sample (Form B)
53 29 17 1


"ID checks at all workplaces and public buildings"
52 32 15 1


"Closely monitoring the whereabouts of legal immigrants to the United States" Split sample (Form A)
49 29 21 1


"New restrictions that would reduce the number of foreign exchange students in this country"
32 36 30 2


"Random ID checks on the streets and highways"
25 35 39 1


"Making it easier for intelligence and law enforcement agents to monitor people's private telephone conversations and e-mail"
21 35 43 1


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Sept. 19-20, 2001. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job Bush has done in responding to the terrorist attacks on September 11th?"
Approve 88
Disapprove 8
Not sure 4


"Do you think the recent terrorist attacks make it more likely the country will go into an economic recession or less likely the country will go into a recession?"
More likely 55
Less likely 29
Makes no difference (vol.) 6
Not sure 10


"Would you favor or oppose the United States taking military action against groups that are identified as responsible for the terrorist attacks?"
Favor 89
Oppose 6
Not sure 5


"Would you favor or oppose the United States taking military action against any nation found to be aiding or hiding the September 11th terrorists?"
Favor 83
Oppose 11
Not sure 6


"Do you think the United States should attempt to assassinate Osama bin Laden?"
Yes 66
No 23
Not sure 11


"Do you think it is likely that terrorist groups like bin Laden's currently have access to nuclear weapons?"
Yes 63
No 23
Not sure 14


"Which do you think presents more of a real danger right now: nuclear weapons or chemical and biological weapons?"
Nuclear weapons 13
Chemical and biological weapons 75
Not sure 12


"Do you support or oppose the federal government spending more on national defense and intelligence even if it means that there will be less funding available for social programs?"
Support 79
Oppose 14
Not sure 7


"Please tell me if you support or oppose each of the following possible solutions that have been proposed as ways of dealing with terrorism. . . ."
Support Oppose Not
% % %
"Imposing stricter immigration and border crossing policies."
92 5 3


"Allowing police to stop and search anyone who fits the general description of suspected terrorists."
69 26 5


"Allowing the government to increase monitoring of private telephone and e-mail communications."
54 39 7


"Rationing gasoline and oil to reduce the country's dependence on imports of Middle East oil."
53 40 7


NBC News Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Sept. 20, 2001, following President Bush's address to the nation. N=513 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.4 for the total sample, and ± 5.0 for speech-watchers.


"Is your reaction to the speech very favorable, somewhat favorable, neutral, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable?"
Very favorable 81
Somewhat favorable 14
Neutral 2
Somewhat unfavorable 1
Very unfavorable 1
Not sure 1


"President Bush and his Administration have outlined a number of steps that they plan to take in the campaign against terrorism. Would you say that you totally support, mainly support, have mixed feelings about, or oppose the approach that President Bush and his Administration are taking in the campaign against terrorism?"
ALL Watched
% %
Totally support 67 74
Mainly support 18 16
Mixed feelings 8 7
Oppose 2 1
Not sure 5 2


"Do you feel that this campaign against terrorist organizations will take a few months, about a year, two or three years, three to five years, or more than five years?"
ALL Watched
% %
A few months 7 5
About a year 11 9
Two or three years 20 21
Three to five years 14 15
More than five years 33 36
Not sure 15 14


"Thinking about the quality of life in America and our sense of freedom and security, do you think that the events of last week represent a temporary setback or a major change that will stay with us for a long time?"
Temporary setback 29
Major change 66
Depends (vol.) 3
Not sure 2


"Thinking about traveling on airplanes for business or personal reasons, which of the following comes closest to your view? I am just as comfortable flying now as I ever was. I am more worried about flying now, and will fly only if I have to. For now, I am too afraid to fly."
As comfortable as I ever was 37
More worried now 45
Too afraid to fly 15
More comfortable now because of heightened security (vol.) 2
Not sure 1


"Do you think that the World Trade Center should be rebuilt or turned into a memorial?"
Rebuilt 46
Turned into memorial 27
Both (vol.) 15
Not sure 12


"Do you think that the United States government is prepared to prevent another terrorist attack on the United States, or is it not yet prepared?"
ALL Watched
% %
Prepared 36 37
Not yet prepared 54 53
Not sure 10 10


"How worried are you that [see below]: very worried, fairly worried, only slightly worried, or not really worried at all?"
Among ALL respondents Very Fairly Only
% % % % %
"The United States will experience major military casualties, numbering in the thousands"
36 26 20 15 3


"The United States will experience another major terrorist attack"
30 29 26 14 1


"You or someone you love will be the victim of a terrorist attack"
16 12 31 40 1


"How willing are you to give up personal freedoms and civil liberties to prevent another terrorist attack: very willing, somewhat willing, somewhat unwilling, or very unwilling?"
Very willing 38
Somewhat willing 37
Somewhat unwilling 9
Very unwilling 11
Not sure 5


"Which of the following do you think should be the objective of a campaign against terrorist organizations? Limiting the campaign to defeating, capturing, or killing Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network. Broadening the campaign to defeating, capturing, or killing members of major international terrorist organizations, even if they were not involved in this specific attack."
ALL Watched
% %
Limit the campaign 31 27
Broaden the campaign 58 63
Neither/Other (vol.) 4 4
Not sure 7 6


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 20, 2001, following President Bush's address to the nation. N=526 adults nationwide. MoE ± 5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the U.S. response to last week's terrorist attacks?"
Approve 91
Disapprove 5
No opinion 4


"Do you support or oppose taking military action against the groups or nations responsible for the terrorist attacks?"
Support 90
Oppose 6
No opinion 4


"Just your best guess: Do you think large numbers of U.S. troops will be killed and wounded in the military action to come, or not that many?"
Large numbers 37
Not that many 53
No opinion 10


"Again, just your best guess: Do you think the U.S. military action to come will last for a few weeks, a few months, a year or so, or several years?"
A few weeks 2
A few months 14
A year or so 22
Several years 57
No opinion 5


"What do you think would create a greater risk of further terrorism in this country: if the United States DOES take military action against terrorists, or if the United States does NOT take military action?"
Does take action 15
Does not take action 73
No difference (vol.) 8
No opinion 3


"Did you watch or listen to any of Bush's address to Congress tonight, or not?"
Yes 79
No 21


"Bush proposed measures to combat terrorism including stricter airport security and stronger law enforcement efforts, including the creation of a new White House office for domestic security. How much do you think these measures will do to reduce the risk of another major terrorist attack in this country: a great deal, a good amount, only some or just a little?"
A great deal 33
A good amount 36
Only some 22
Just a little 6
No opinion 3


Among respondents who watched or listened to Bush's speech:
"Did Bush's speech make you more confident in this country's ability to deal with this crisis, less confident, or what?"
More confident 80
Less confident 4
No difference (vol.) 14
No opinion 3


Pew Research Center survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Sept. 13-17, 2001. N=1,200 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5 (total sample).


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is dealing with the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington?"
Approve 85
Disapprove 6
Don't know 9


"How good a job has George W. Bush done in SPEAKING TO THE NATION about the terrorist attacks: excellent, good, only fair, or poor?" Asked Sept. 14-17 (N=868)
Excellent 45
Good 38
Only fair 10
Poor 4
Don't know 3


"What about Secretary of State Colin Powell? How good a job has he done in SPEAKING TO THE NATION about the terrorist attacks: excellent, good, only fair, or poor?" Asked Sept. 14-17 (N=868)
Excellent 43
Good 35
Only fair 9
Poor 2
Don't know 11


"How good a job has New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani done in SPEAKING TO THE NATION about the situation in New York City after the terrorist attacks: excellent, good, only fair, or poor?" Asked Sept. 14-17 (N=868)
Excellent 58
Good 29
Only fair 5
Poor 1
Don't know 7


"Once their mission starts, how long do you think it will take for U.S. forces to kill or capture those responsible for the terrorist attacks? Will it be a mater of days, weeks, months or years?" Form 1 (N=416)
Days 7
Weeks 11
Months 31
Years 38
Never (vol.) 2
Don't know 11


"In general, how would you rate the job the press has done in covering the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon: excellent, good, only fair, or poor?"
Excellent 56
Good 33
Only fair 6
Poor 3
Don't know 2


"In order to curb terrorism in this country, do you think it will be necessary for the average person to give up some civil liberties, or not?" Asked Sept. 14-17 (N=868)
Yes, necessary 55
No, not necessary 35
Don't know 10


"What concerns you more right now: that the government will fail to enact strong, new anti-terrorism laws, or that the government will enact new anti-terrorism laws which excessively restrict the average person’s civil liberties?" Asked Sept. 14-17 (N=868)
Will fail to enact strong, new laws 39
Will enact excessively restrictive laws 34
Neither (vol.) 10
Don’t know 17


"Would you favor or oppose the following measures to curb terrorism? [See below.]" Asked Sept. 14-17 (N=868)
Favor Oppose Don't
% % %
"Allowing the CIA to contract with criminals in pursuing suspected terrorists overseas"
67 22 11


"Allowing the CIA to conduct assassinations overseas when pursuing suspected enemies of the U.S."
67 22 11


"Allowing the U.S. government to take legal immigrants from unfriendly countries to internment camps during times of tension or crisis"
29 57 14


"Do you or any of your friends or relatives know someone who is missing, hurt or killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or the plane crash outside of Pittsburgh?"
Yes 20
No 79
Don't know 1


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Sept. 15-16, 2001. N=821 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5 (total sample).


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the terrorist attacks against the United States in New York City and Washington, D.C.?"
9/15-16 9/12
% %
Approve 87 80
Disapprove 6 8
Not sure 7 12


Half sample (Form B):
In your view, should the United States become more active in world affairs, less active in world affairs, or continue its current level of activity in world affairs?
More active 37
Less active 14
Current level 44
Not sure 5


"People across the country have been affected by Tuesday's attacks in many different ways. Which of the following statements comes closest to describing how you personally were affected by the attacks? You were directly affected by the attacks, meaning that you were worried that a family member or a friend of yours might have been a victim, and may have been killed, injured, or missing. You were indirectly affected by the attacks, meaning that an acquaintance was directly affected by the attacks. You do not know anyone who was affected, but you were deeply touched as an American and concerned about all the victims."
Directly affected 16
Indirectly affected 17
Touched as an American 67


"Are you worried that you or a member of your immediate family might become the victim of a terrorist attack?"
Yes 45
No 54
Not sure 1


"And how concerned are you that terrorists will commit acts of violence near where you live or work -- are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, or not concerned?"
Very concerned 27
Somewhat concerned 44
Not concerned 28
Not sure 1


Half sample (Form A):
“How worried are you that, if the United States launched a military strike against terrorist targets, terrorists would respond by striking again in America: very worried, fairly worried, only somewhat worried, or not very worried?”
Very worried 43
Fairly worried 22
Only somewhat worried 22
Not very worried 13


"Would you prefer that the United States retaliate for these attacks immediately, even if we are not completely sure who is specifically responsible, or do you think that the United States should not retaliate until we are completely sure who is specifically responsible even if that means we have to wait?"
Retaliate immediately 15
Wait until completely sure 81
Not sure 4


"Do you think that the United States should or should not take military action against a nation that knowingly allowed the terrorists who are responsible for these attacks to live in their country, even if the country played no role in the attack?"
Should 75
Should not 15
Not sure 10


"Do you believe that these attacks represent a failure of the American intelligence and security systems, or do you believe that these attacks were beyond what is reasonable to expect the American intelligence and security systems to uncover?"
9/15-16 9/12
% %
Failure of intelligence and security systems 47 41
Beyond what is reasonable to expect 45 49
Not sure 8 10


"Based on what you know, do you think that these attacks were committed by a band of independent terrorists, or do you think a national government is also involved?"
Independent terrorists 36
Government also involved 51
Not sure 13


"Do you think that the United States will ever capture or kill international terrorist Osama Bin Laden, or not?"
Will 73
Will not 15
Not sure 12


"Do you think that these terrorist attacks should mainly be dealt with as a crime, to be handled by the FBI and the courts, OR, should mainly be dealt with as acts of war, to be handled by the CIA and the U.S. military?"
Dealt with as a crime 9
Dealt with as acts of war 79
Both (vol.) 8
Not sure 4


"Currently, there is an executive order that prohibits United States military and intelligence agencies from conducting assassinations of enemies abroad. Do you think that the United States military and intelligence agencies should or should not be allowed to conduct assassinations of enemies abroad?"
Should be allowed 70
Should not be allowed 20
Not sure 10


Half sample (Form A):
"Would you support new laws to strengthen security measures against terrorism, even if that meant reducing privacy protections such as limits on government searches and wiretapping?"
Would support 78
Would not support 14
Not sure 8


"Do you think that the United States should spend more money on a missile defense shield, more money on a military response to terrorism, or should it spend on both?"
Missile defense shield 3
Response to terrorism 25
Both 66
Not sure 6


Half sample (Form A):
"Do you favor or oppose the United States' spending money on a military response to terrorism even if it means spending funds from the Social Security surplus?"
Favor 55
Oppose 36
Not sure 9


Half sample (Form B):
"Do you favor or oppose the United States' spending money on a military response to terrorism even if it means rolling back some of the tax cuts that Congress passed this year?"
Favor 85
Oppose 10
Not sure 5


"I'm going to read you a list of potential threats that the United States might face in the next ten years. For each one, please tell me how likely a threat you think it is: very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely to occur in the next ten years. . . ."
% % % % %
"The U.S. will need to mobilize a large attack on a country far away around the world"
50 34 6 6 4


"The U.S. will be attacked by terrorists in a similar way that it was attacked this week"
41 34 12 11 2


"The U.S. will face two major enemies at the same time the way it did during World War Two"
29 32 17 17 5


"The U.S. will be attacked within its borders by terrorists possessing nuclear or biological weapons"
24 44 14 14



"The U.S. will face an attack by a single nuclear missile from a terrorist or nation"
16 41 21 19 3


"The U.S. will face a full-scale attack by a large number of nuclear missiles from another major country"
8 24 23 40 5


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Sept. 14-15, 2001. N=1,032 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample).


"I’d like to ask you a few questions about the events that occurred this past Tuesday in New York City and Washington, D.C. How worried are you that you or someone in your family will become a victim of a terrorist attack: very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not worried at all?"
Very worried 18
Somewhat worried 33
Not too worried 35
Not worried at all 13
No opinion 1


"How much confidence do you have in the U.S. government to protect its citizens from future terrorist attacks: a great deal, fair amount, not very much, or none at all?"
A great deal 41
A fair amount 47
Not very much 9
None at all 2
No opinion 1


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the events surrounding the terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States this past Tuesday?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
9/14-15/01 91 5 4


Half sample (Form A):
"Overall, how much do you blame each of the following for the terrorist attacks this past Tuesday: a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or not at all? How about
[see below]?"
Only a
Not At
% % % % %
"Airport security" 49 29 14 7 1


"The Central Intelligence Agency, or C.I.A."
22 37 20 18 3


"The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or F.B.I."
18 34 24 22 2


"The Clinton Administration"
16 29 18 34 3


"The Bush Administration"
9 25 20 44 2


Half sample (Form B):
"Overall, how much do you blame each of the following for the terrorist attacks this past Tuesday: a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or not at all? How about
[see below]?"
Only a
Not At
% % % % %
"Osama bin Laden" 83 7 3 3 4
"Afghanistan" 64 21 5 4 6
"Fundamentalist Muslim leaders" 53 25 6 6 10
"Iraq" 41 32 9 9 9
"Palestinians" 35 36 10 11 8
"Pakistan" 31 32 17 10 10


"As a result of the events of this past week, would you say you feel more confident or less confident in the economy in the months ahead, or have your feelings not changed?"
More confident 16
Less confident 37
No change 45
No opinion 2


"Do you think the United States should -- or should not -- take military action in retaliation for Tuesday's attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?"
Should 88
Should not 8
No opinion 4


Half sample (Form A) -- respondents who think U.S. should take military action:
"Which comes closer to your view? The U.S. should take military action immediately against known terrorist organizations, even if it is unclear which terrorists are responsible for the attacks. OR, The U.S. should take military action only against terrorist organizations responsible for the attacks, even if it takes months to clearly identify them."
Immediate action against known terrorist organizations 26
Action against responsible organizations only 73
No opinion 1


Half sample (Form B) -- respondents who think U.S. should take military action:
"Which comes closer to your view about the actions the United States should take to deal with terrorism? The U.S. should focus on taking military action to punish the specific terrorist groups involved in Tuesday's attacks. OR, The U.S. should mount a long-term war to eliminate terrorist groups world-wide."
Punish the specific terrorist groups involved 40
Mount a long-term war to eliminate terrorist groups 58
No opinion 2


Half sample (Form A):
"If the U.S. takes military action against the terrorists, do you think this will increase or decrease the chances that additional terrorist attacks against the U.S. will occur in the future?"
Increase 43
Decrease 49
No difference (vol.) 4
No opinion 4


Half sample (Form B):
"If the U.S. does not take military action against the terrorists, do you think this will increase or decrease the chances that additional terrorist attacks against the U.S. will occur in the future?"
Increase 89
Decrease 7
No difference (vol.) 2
No opinion 2


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 13-14, 2001; N=959 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3:


"Do you think Tuesday's attacks will mean that the United States will go to war, or not?"
Yes 68
No 15
Don't know 17


"Do you think Americans will have to give up some of their personal freedoms in order to make the country safe from terrorist attacks, or not?"
Yes 74
No 21
Don't know 5


"Currently it is against United States law for the government to seek out and assassinate people in foreign countries who commit terrorist acts in the United States and elsewhere. Do you think this law should be changed so the U.S. government can assassinate people in foreign countries who commit terrorist acts, or should the current law not be changed?"
Should be changed 65
Should not be changed 23
Don't know 12

Earlier polling on terrorism



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