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Guns  (p. 4)




CBS News Poll. Nov. 10-13, 2003. N=1,177 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"In general, do you think gun control laws should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?"


More strict Less strict Same Unsure  
% % % %  
ALL 51 10 35 4  
Republicans 40 14 44 2  
Democrats 65 4 27 4  
Independents 48 12 36 4  


"Do you or does any other member of your household own a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other kind of firearm?"


Yes No Unsure    
% % %    
ALL 43 54 3    
Republicans 54 42 4    
Democrats 35 65 0    
Independents 41 55 4    


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Nov. 8-10, 2003. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"About 10 years ago, Congress banned the sale and manufacture of assault weapons.  In your view, should Congress keep or end this ban?"


Keep ban End ban Unsure    
% % %    
11/03 78 16 5    


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Oct. 24-25, 2002. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Every gun makes a unique mark -- or 'ballistic fingerprint' -- on the bullets it shoots. Some people favor new laws requiring every gun sold in this country to be test fired so its ballistic fingerprint can be identified by law enforcement if it is ever used in a crime. Others oppose such new laws because a gun's ballistic fingerprint is not permanent, and can be changed by a criminal seeking to avoid detection. Do you favor or oppose new laws requiring ballistic fingerprinting of all guns sold in the U.S.?"
  Favor Oppose Unsure    
  % % %    
  ALL 53 37 10    
  Gun owners 40 52 8    
  Non-gun owners 64 26 10    


ABC News Poll. Oct. 16-20, 2002. N=1,032 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Every gun makes a unique marking on bullets it shoots. This is known as its ballistic fingerprint. Would you support or oppose a law requiring every gun sold in this country to be test-fired first so the authorities would have its ballistic fingerprint in case it was ever used in a crime?"


Support Oppose Unsure


% % %


ALL 73 22 5


Gun owners 61 35 5


Non-gun owners 82 13 5



ABC News.com Poll. May 8-12, 2002. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads as follows: 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' In your opinion does this guarantee only the right of the states to maintain militias, or also the right of individuals to own guns?"
States to maintain militias 20
Individuals to own guns 73
No opinion 8


CBS News/New York Times Poll. May 10-13, 2000. N=947 adults nationwide, including 215 women with children under 18 living at home. MoE ± 3.


ALL Men Women Women
With Kids
% % % %
"Regardless of which candidate you prefer for president, who do you agree with more on the issue of gun control: Al Gore or George W. Bush?"
Gore 35 35 35 24
Bush 37 45 30 33
Both (vol.) 1 2 0 0
Neither (vol.) 2 3 2 2
Don't know 25 15 33 41


"Do you favor or oppose the nationwide ban on assault weapons?"
Favor 67 63 71 69
Oppose 28 34 23 24
Don't know 5 3 6 7


"Do you favor or oppose requiring gun manufacturers to put child safety locks on handguns that are sold in the United States?"
Favor 84 76 91 91
Oppose 15 23 7 7
Don't know 1 1 2 2


The Harris Poll. May 4-8, 2000. N=1,007 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"In general, would you say you favor stricter or less strict laws relating to the control of handguns?"
5/00 6/99 4/98
% % %
Stricter 72 73 76
Less strict 20 20 19
Neither (vol.) 6 5 5
Don't know 2 2 -


"And which of the two main candidates for the presidency -- Governor George W. Bush or Vice President Al Gore -- do you think would do a better job on the gun control issue?"
Bush 42
Gore 38
No difference/Neither (vol.) 6
Don't know 14


"Which do you think would do a better job on the gun control issue: a Republican-controlled Congress or a Democratically-controlled Congress?"
Democratically-controlled 38
Republican-controlled 34
No difference/Neither (vol.) 11
Don't know 18


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Assoc. May 2-6, 2000. N=1,303 adults nationwide.


"In your opinion, how likely is it that the president and Congress will pass significant new gun control laws this year? Is it very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all likely?"
Very likely 14
Somewhat likely 34
Not too likely 25
Not at all likely 21
Don't know/Refused 6


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). April 29-May 1, 2000. N=500 registered voters nationwide.


"Which do you think would be more effective in reducing gun violence: passing new restrictions on the sale of handguns, such as requiring trigger locks and registration; or ensuring stricter enforcement of existing laws on gun sales and ownership; or do you feel that both new restrictions and stricter enforcement would be best?"

New restrictions 11
Stricter enforcement 35
Both 45
Neither/Other (vol.) 7
Not sure 2


"If Congress does not pass gun-control legislation this year, who do you think will be most responsible: the Republicans in Congress, the Democrats in Congress, or President Clinton?"
Republicans in Congress 39
Democrats in Congress 11
President Clinton 10
All (vol.) 16
None/Other (vol.) 3
Not sure 21


Associated Press Poll conducted by ICR. April 14-18, 2000. N=829 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.


4/00 8/99 5/99 4/99
% % % %
"Do you favor stricter gun control laws or do you oppose them?"
Favor 60 56 63 55
Oppose 30 39 31 34
Don't know 10 5 6 11


"Which of these do you think is more likely to decrease gun violence: better enforcement or tougher gun laws?"
Better enforcement 42
Tougher laws 33
Neither (vol.)/Don't know 25


"The federal government requires background checks for most gun purchases. Do you think these background checks help reduce the number of crimes committed with guns, or not?"
Yes 54 44
No 41 52
Don't know 5 4


"Do you favor or oppose laws requiring that all guns be sold with a trigger lock, which must be unlocked before the gun can be fired?"
Favor 76
Oppose 20
Don't know 4


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Assoc. April 12-16, 2000. N=1,000 adults nationwide.


Form 1 registered voters (N=358):
"Suppose a member of Congress voted AGAINST gun control. Do you think this member should be reelected, or not?"
4/00 7/99
% %
Should be 44 35
Should not be 41 55
Don't know/Refused 15 10


Form 2 registered voters (N=358):
"Suppose a member of Congress voted FOR gun control. Do you think this member should be re-elected, or not?"
4/00 7/99
% %
Should be 60 69
Should not be 25 25
Don't know/Refused 15 6


All respondents:
"Please tell me if you think the Republican Party or the Democratic Party could do a better job of reflecting your views about gun control?"
4/00 6/99 12/93
% % %
Republican Party 30 34 32
Democratic Party 36 42 42
Both equally (vol.) 4 4 -
Neither (vol.) 7 8 8
Don't know/Refused 23 12 18


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. March 30-April 2, 2000. N=1,083 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How important will handling the issue of gun control be to you in deciding how to vote in the 2000 presidential election in November: very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all?"
4/00 10/99 9/99
% % %
Very important 62 61 56
Somewhat important 21 24 25
Not too important 8 8 9
Not important at all 9 6 9
No opinion - 1 1


Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. March 22-23, 2000. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


% %
"The National Rifle Association says failed enforcement of gun laws is the reason for gun violence, but the Clinton Administration says guns and access to guns are the problem. Which comes closer to your view: lack of enforcement of gun laws is the problem, or guns and access to guns are the problem?"
Enforcement 36 49
Guns 44 32
Neither/Both (vol.) 14 15
Not sure 6 5


"Do you think President Clinton is serious about imposing stronger gun control laws, or is he more interested in having a political issue to use against Republicans in the upcoming election?"
Serious about laws 40 35
Wants political issue 45 50
Not sure 15 15


Zogby International Poll. March 15-17, 2000. N=826 likely voters nationwide. MoE +/- 3.6.


"Which of the following statements do you agree with?

"Statement A: Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association says that President Clinton actually is willing to accept an increased level of violence so that he can promote an anti-gun agenda, because the President refuses to implement a program that requires mandatory sentencing of criminals who use a gun in a crime.

"Statement B: President Clinton says that, especially with the recent killing of a six-year-old child by a fellow six-year-old, it is time for Congress to strengthen gun control legislation with child-safety trigger locks and waiting periods for gun show sales."

% % %
ALL 27 64 9
Democrats 12 82 6
Republicans 46 41 12
Independents 24 67 9
Men 35 58 8
Women 20 70 10


CNN/Time Poll conducted by Yankelovich Partners. March 8-9, 2000. N=1,559 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 2.5.


"Do you favor or oppose the federal government requiring people to get a license in order to legally own a handgun?"
Favor Oppose Not
% % %
3/00 72 25 3
7/99 77 21 -


ABC News.com Poll. March 3-7, 2000. N=1,012 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


"Say a child takes a gun owned by his parents and uses it to shoot someone. Do you think the parent should or should not be charged with a crime for failing to prevent the child from getting the gun?"
Should be charged 75
Should not be 15
No opinion 10


Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. Jan. 13-16, 2000. N=1,027 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


"Would you favor or oppose the registration of all handguns?"
Favor Oppose No
% % %
1/00 73 26 1
2/99 79 19 2
1993 81 18 1
1991 80 17 3
1990 81 17 2
1985 70 25 5
1982 66 30 4


"Do you think the amount of gun-related violence in America could be significantly reduced by stricter enforcement of the current gun laws, or is it also necessary to pass new gun laws?"
Stricter enforcement 41
New gun laws 47
Other (vol.) 2
Neither (vol.) 7
No opinion 3


Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. Dec. 9-12, 1999. N=1,037 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


"To what extent do you blame gun manufacturers in the United States for crimes committed with guns in this country? Do you blame them completely, a lot, a little, or not at all?"
Completely 4
A lot 20
A little 24
Not at all 51
No opinion 1


"As you may know, the U.S. Justice Department is considering filing a lawsuit against the gun manufacture industry seeking to recover the costs associated with gun-related crimes. The companies that manufacture guns in the U.S. have stated the charges have no merit. Which side do you agree with more in this dispute: [rotate] the Justice Department or the gun manufacturers?"
The gun manufacturers 67
The Justice Department 28
Both equally (vol.) 1
Neither (vol.) 1
No opinion 3


Los Angeles Times Poll. Nov. 13-18, 1999. N=1,430 registered voters nationwide.


"What is your personal view on gun control laws? Generally speaking, do you think they ought to be more strict than they are now, or less strict, or do you think the laws we have now are about right?"
ALL Demo-
% % % %
More strict 56 69 51 45
Less strict 9 6 11 11
About right 31 21 35 40
Don't know 4 4 3 4



ABC News/Washington Post Poll. August 30-September 2, 1999. N=1,526 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


"How about a law requiring trigger locks on all stored guns?"
Support 79
Oppose 20
No opinion 1


"How about a law requiring a nationwide ban on gun sales by mail order and over the Internet?"
Support 66
Oppose 33
No opinion 1


"How about a law requiring all handgun owners to register their firearms with the government?"
Support 75
Oppose 24
No opinion 1


"How about a law requiring a nationwide ban on the sale of handguns, except to law enforcement officers?"
Support 32
Oppose 65
No opinion 3


"How about a law requiring a nationwide ban on people carrying a concealed weapon?"
Support 49
Oppose 48
No opinion 2


"All in all, how do you feel about the way Congress has handled the issue of gun control? Would you say you're pleased about it, satisfied but not pleased, dissatisfied but not angry, or angry about it?"
Pleased 4
Satisfied, not pleased 33
Dissatisfied, not angry 41
Angry 18
No opinion 4


"Do you or does anyone in your house own a gun, or not?"
Yes 44
No 56


Asked of those with a gun in their household:
"Do you personally own a gun, or not?"
Yes 66
No 34


Asked of those own a gun:
"Why do you own a gun? What's the main reason?"
Hunting 49
Protection 26
Target/Sport 8
Collect/Hobby 4
Second Amendment/constitutional right 4
Other 10


"Have you ever called, written to, or e-mailed a public official expressing your views on gun control?"
Yes 10
No 90


"Have you ever given money to an organization concerned with the gun control issue?"
Yes 13
No 86
No opinion 1


"Have you ever voted for or against a political candidate mainly because of their position on gun control?"
Yes 14
No 85
No opinion 1


CBS News Poll. Aug. 15, 1999. N=736 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.


ALL Republicans Democrats Independents
% % % %

"Last April in Littleton, Colorado, two high school students attacked their classmates with guns and bombs. And in the past few weeks there have been office shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, and in Alabama, and a shooting last week at a Los Angeles community center and day camp. How closely have you been following news about these shootings? Have you been following it very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not at all?"

Very closely 39 42 39 36
Somewhat closely 45 45 47 44
Not too closely 12 11 11 14
Not at all 2 1 1 4
Follow some (vol.) 1 1 2 2
Don't know/No answer 1 0 0 0


"What do you think is the main reason why events like these happen?"
Lack of parental supervision 27 26 31 25
Guns/Lack of gun control 12 9 17 10
Lack of religion/moral values 9 17 5 8
Shooters had problems 9 7 10 8
Media promotes violence 7 7 6 8
Lack of discipline in school 6 3 5 8
Family breakdown in society 5 5 4 5
Society's fault 5 7 2 6
Hatred between groups 2 1 3 2
Laws not enforced 2 3 2 1
Other 6 7 3 8
Don't know/No answer 10 8 12 11


"Is there any one thing that you think could prevent events like these from happening?"
Better parenting 20 19 20 22
Better/Stricter gun control 14 12 19 10
Society having better morals 9 13 7 8
Discipline in schools 6 4 6 8
Better law enforcement 4 6 5 3
Strengthen families 4 6 3 2
Teach people not to hate 2 1 2 3
Clean up movie/TV violence 2 2 2 1
More mental health treatment 2 1 4 1
No/Nothing 22 24 18 26
Other 2 1 2 1
Don't know/No answer 11 9 12 11
"Do you think the Second Amendment of the Constitution guarantees all Americans the right to own guns, or does it not necessarily guarantee that?"
Does guarantee 48 59 41 46
Not necessarily 38 30 44 39
Don't know/No answer 14 11 15 15
"In general, do you feel the laws covering the sale of handguns should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?"
More strict 67 62 74 65
Less strict 5 6 0 8
Kept as they are now 23 30 19 21
Don't know/No answer 5 2 7 6
"Do you think Congress will pass stricter gun control laws this year, or not?"
Will 39 37 40 39
Will not 49 53 48 46
Don't know/No answer 12 10 12 15
"Do you think Congress should pass stricter gun control laws this year, or not?"
Should 67 60 75 66
Should not 28 38 19 28
Don't know/No answer 5 2 6 6
"Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican Party or the Democratic Party would do a better job dealing with gun control?"
Democratic Party 33 11 59 27
Republican Party 29 55 10 25
Both (vol.) 3 3 2 3
Neither (vol.) 12 13 10 11
Don't know/No answer 23 18 19 34


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. August 12-13, 1999. N=753 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.


"Please tell me whether you favor or oppose the following proposals to regulate guns in this country. What about [see below]? Do you favor or oppose this proposal?"


"establishing a mandatory waiting period before a handgun could be purchased to allow time to check a buyer's background"
ALL 93
Gun owners 91
Non-gun owners 94


"requiring child safety locks to be sold with all new handguns"
ALL 89
Gun owners 85
Non-gun owners 91


"requiring all handgun owners to attend a course on gun safety"
ALL 84
Gun owners 80
Non-gun owners 88


"requiring all handgun owners to register with the government"
ALL 74
Gun owners 66
Non-gun owners 81


"banning the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47"
ALL 68
Gun owners 63
Non-gun owners 73


"requiring owners of hunting rifles to register with the government"
ALL 61
Gun owners 45
Non-gun owners 74


"banning gun shows where people often buy and sell guns without much supervision or regulation"
ALL 51
Gun owners 38
Non-gun owners 60


"penalizing gun manufacturers or distributors whose weapons fall into the hands of children"
ALL 41
Gun owners 31
Non-gun owners 47


"banning the possession of handguns except by the police and other authorized persons"
ALL 37
Gun owners 21
Non-gun owners 50


"Do you think stricter gun control laws would reduce the amount of violent crime in this country a lot, a little, or not at all?
ALL Repub-
% % % %
A lot 33 26 43 31
A little 35 39 33 30
Not at all 29 32 21 35
Don't know 3 3 3 4


"As you may know, some cities have filed lawsuits against gun manufacturers to recover money spent by hospitals and police dealing with gun violence. Do you think gun manufacturers should be held responsible for these costs, or not?"
Should be 26
Should not be 66
Don't know 8


"In general, which political party do you agree with more on the issue of gun control: the Republican Party or the Democratic Party?"
% % %
Democratic Party 34 28 38
Republican Party 26 35 21
Both (vol.) 8 8 8
Don't know 32 29 33


CNN/Time Poll conducted by Yankelovich Partners. July 14-15, 1999. N=1,017 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.1.


ALL Repub-
Gun In
% % % % %
"Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control laws?"
Favor 61 47 59 73 46
Oppose 36 49 39 24 54
Not sure 3 4 2 3 2


"Do you favor or oppose the federal government requiring handgun owners to register each handgun they own with the government?"
Favor 76 66 75 82 64
Oppose 23 32 23 15 34
Not sure 1 2 2 3 2


"Do you favor or oppose the federal government requiring people to get a license in order to legally own a handgun?"
Favor 77 70 76 82 64
Oppose 21 30 22 16 34
Not sure 2 - 2 2 2


"Do you have more confidence in the Democratic Party or the Republican Party to handle the issue of gun control?"
Democratic Party 41 10 36 71 30
Republican Party 32 72 29 10 41
The same in both (vol.) 3 2 3 2 3
Neither (vol.) 11 8 16 7 15
Not sure 13 8 16 10 11


"Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate who favors stricter gun control laws?"
More likely 59 44 56 70 42
Less likely 32 46 35 20 46
Not sure 9 10 9 10 12


"Do you think criminals should lose their rights to a plea bargain when they commit a crime with a gun, or don't you think so?"
Should lose rights 72
Don't think so 21
Not sure 7


Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. June 25-27, 1999. N=1,016 adults nationwide.


"Thinking about how the gun issue might affect your vote for major offices, would you: [rotate] only vote for a candidate who shares your views on gun control; consider a candidate's position on gun control as just one of many important factors when voting; or would you not consider gun control as a major issue?"
6/99 5/99
% %
Only vote for candidate who shares views 15 15
Just one of many important factors 62 64
Wouldn't consider gun control as a major issue 21 19
No opinion 2 2


"Which party do you think can do a better job of reflecting your views about gun control: [rotate] the Republican party or the Democratic Party?"
6/99 5/99
% %
Democratic Party 44 42
Republican Party 41 39
Neither (vol.) 6 8
No opinion 9 11


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). June 16-19, 1999. N=2,011 adults nationwide:


"Let me read you two positions on government regulation of firearms. Between these positions, which do you tend to side with more? Position A: The government goes too far in restricting the rights of citizens to own firearms. Position B: The government does not do enough to regulate access to firearms."
A. Goes too far 37
B. Does not do enough 59
Not sure 4


Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. June 11-13, 1999. N=1,022 adults nationwide.


"Now, on the subject of guns: Please tell me whether you would generally favor or oppose each of the following proposals which some people have made to reduce the amount of gun violence. How about [see below]?"
Favor Oppose Mixed
% % % %
"Impose a mandatory prison sentence for felons who commit crimes with guns"
89 9 1 1


"Mandatory background checks before people -- including gun dealers -- could buy guns at gun shows"
87 12 - 1


"Require safety locks or trigger guards to be included with all new handgun purchases"
85 14 1 -


"Raise the minimum age for handgun possession to 21 years of age"
82 17 1 -


"The registration of all firearms"
79 20 1 -


"Impose a lifetime ban on gun ownership for any juvenile convicted of a felony"
77 21 1 1


"Ban the importing of high capacity ammunition clips"
68 29 - 3


"Hold parents legally responsible if their children commit crimes with the parents' guns"
57 39 3 1


Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 19-20, 1999. N=912 registered voters nationwide.


"Do you think that people should have to complete an instruction course and get a license to own a gun -- similar to what they have to do to drive a car?"
% %
Yes 77 68
No 19 28
Not sure 4 5


"If your congressional representative votes for tougher gun control measures, will you be more likely or less likely to vote for him or her in the next election?"
% %
More likely 61 46
Less likely 20 31
No difference (vol.) 12 15
Not sure 7 8


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. May 16, 1999. N=761 adults nationwide.


"Which political party, the Democrats or the Republicans, do you trust to do a better job handling the issue of gun control?"
Democrats 39
Republicans 31
Both (vol.) 3
Neither (vol.) 22
No opinion 5


Gallup Poll. April 26-27, 1999. N=1,073 adults nationwide.


"In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of handguns should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?"
Kept As
% % % %
2/99 68 6 25 1
1993 72 5 22 1
1988 64 6 27 3
1987 60 5 28 7
1986 60 8 30 2
1983 59 4 31 6
1981 65 3 30 2
1980 59 6 29 6
1975 69 3 24 4


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. April 21-22, 1999. N=757 adults nationwide.


"Do you think there should or should not be a law that would ban the possession of handguns except by the police and other authorized persons?"
Should 50
Should not 44
Don't know 6


"Do you think stricter gun control laws would reduce the amount of violent crime in this country a lot, a little, or not at all?
A lot 33
A little 38
Not at all 26
Don't know 3


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). April 17-19, 1999. N=1,006 adults nationwide.
"Do you approve or disapprove of the idea of passing new laws to make it easier for people to carry concealed weapons?"
Approve 22
Disapprove 73
Not sure 5


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